In response to Obama’s critics’ claims that he might have been born in another country, the President has released a detailed Hawaii birth certificate that has put an end to the misconceptions and doubts that people might have regarding his birthplace.
In speaking to the American people from the White House after releasing the birth certificate, Obama also added that “we do not have time for this silliness” and that it is time for his Republican detractors and the media to focus their attention on bigger issues.
Some of these bigger issues revolve around the huge budget decisions that have to be made by American political leaders, and being distracted (with issues such as these) is not going to help. Yet this issue has been kept alive by conspiracy theorists (commonly known as ‘birthers’) among which Trump has been prominent to question Obama’s legitimacy to the Presidency.
Following the release of the detailed birth certificate which the President had requested from Hawaii officials this week, Trump took credit for causing the President to take action in validating the fact that he was born to a Kenyan father and a American mother in Hawaii.
Until now, a shorter copy of his birth certificate was released to the public and considered to be enough proof to verify Obama’s place of birth but with this issue not seeming to go away, thanks to his critics relentless efforts, the detailed version was released so that the controversy that was being generated around this issue could be put to rest once and for all.
Along with the President refusing to answer why the document wasn’t released for so long, the spokesperson for the House Speaker, John Boehner, also stated that this has been an issue that was settled a long time ago.