November 6, 2012. That’s the date for the next Presidential election where every United States citizen will cast his vote to choose the next President. Experts think that it is most likely that President Obama will get a second-term but in the situation of a gasoline price hike, increase of the unemployment rate or a foreign policy crisis, things could get complicated for America’s first African-American President.
Scenario #1: Unemployment Rate
When it comes to the unemployment rate (which is at 9 percent), bringing it down to at least 7 percent by the autumn of 2012 can put the President in the driver’s seat for a second Presidency, as it is one of the most pressing (and persistent) problems that American citizens are dealing with. However, there are no indicators that the unemployment rate will drop as soon as 2012.
Scenario #2: Hike in Gasoline Prices
Gasoline prices have been at about $4 a gallon, and yet another issue that the American people are not happy with either. Any spike which raises the prices to about $ 6 or $ 7 can complicate matter for the President as it may work against his favor. Experts say that this is improbable as only extreme events might cause this, and are expecting the price of gasoline to come down to $ 107.20 as of 2012 as opposed to the current price of $ 116.
Scenario #3: Foreign Policy crisis
For a long time Republicans has criticized Democrats for being weak when it comes foreign policy, this might be negated recently due to the killing of Osama Bin Laden last month. Alternatively, any foreign policy disaster which occurs (since the United States is involved with wars in Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan) can also put Obama in a vulnerable position.