Will Obama Get His Second Term As President?

As the year 2012 approaches, almost everyone in the United States knows that it is decision-making time as to whether Obama will be elected for a second term or whether he will be ousted by a Republican candidate that could be either Rick Perry or Mitt Romney, according to the latest polls.

With the inability to create new jobs in the United States over the last month, his office has admitted that unemployment will stand at about 9 percent until the election which is due in November 2012.

However, while some people think that this could be the deciding factor as to whether or not Obama gets a second term as President, others think that due to the Republican candidates’ and their support of the Tea Party and its conservative policies, this might give him a fighting chance as the Tea Party’s stance might turn off independent voters.

If that’s not enough, these Republican candidates have not only criticized the Social Security campaign but also changed their position on several issues, and according to Obama supporters, all the candidates must be grouped together and challenged on these issues.

Yes, and link these candidates to congressional Republicans that have been to blame, according to Democrats, for the recent Standard and Poor credit downgrade and the halt of progress in the country. Of course, there’s no doubt that this will be difficult to do…

But the biggest factor which could decide his second term in office is to stop being quick to compromise (as he has shown over the last few years in office) as this will ensure that he will lose the support of his liberal base, which is perhaps one of the most crucial factors in the elections up ahead.