3 Secrets That The Obama Administration Has Kept From Americans

Among a number of questions that are asked about the Obama administration, the most asked one is whether or not they have tried to keep secrets from the American people.

A new book titled the Corruption Chronicles and written by Tom Fitton, President of JudicialWatch, a non-profit that is dedicated to transparency and education, reveals all.

And even though the book begins its journey right from the Clinton administration, here are 3 secrets that have been hidden from Americans:

#1: Fast and Furious scandal

A scandal codenamed Fast and furious was actually a government program where a large number of firearms were distributed to criminals in Mexico. It is for this reason Eric Holder was convicted of being in contempt of Congress while also facing possible disbarment.

#2: White House Czars

There are a number of public officials that have been appointed secretly by the President and who exercise authority over major aspects of government policy without any accountability.

Usually, presidents appoint advisors to discuss and create policy initiatives but these so-called czars have taken up very powerful roles without undergoing any Senate confirmation first.

#3: Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac

The author believes that never has been so much money been spent with barely any supervision. With both organizations being taken over by the government in 2008, millions of dollars in taxpayer funds was used in the defense of three of its executives. In addition, the government maintains that there is no need for these two organizations to release any records on political donations either.