Romney Backtracks on Economic Statement

July 18, 2011

Article by Karina Zakari of Green Party US

Mitt Romney, Presidential candidate for the 2012 elections, has taken back one of the most important points on which his presidential campaign stands on, that President Obama has made a struggling economy ever worse.

At a press conference in Allentown, Pennsylvania, Romney openly denied the fact that the economy had gotten ‘worse’.

However, in a fitting response using video clipping, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) created a video which had Romney denying that he said that Obama’s actions were the reason why the economy was in a worse state that it was under Bush as President followed by footage where he clearly made that claim three times in the past.

If that wasn’t enough, the DNC spokesman Brad Woodhouse pointed out that rather than apologizing and admitting the fact that he was wrong, Romney denied that he had said that it was due to Obama that the economy was in a worse state and had lasted longer than it should have.

Last month, NBC news reported Romney to say that while Obama did not create this recession, he was responsible for making it last longer than it should have. The New Hampshire debate that was conducted earlier last month also found Romney making the same claims as well.

In Romney’s response to journalists’ question as to why Obama’s policies have made the economy worse, he said that what he intended to convey was that the economy hadn’t turned around, thanks to almost 20 million Americans out of work and a crisis when it comes to foreclosures. He also pointed out the President failed in his efforts to bring the unemployment rate below 8 percent as he had claimed.

When asked about what he would tell Congress if he was in Obama shoes, he said they had to cut and cap spending as well as pass a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution.