Statement by the Press Secretary on the President’s Phone Call with Russian President Medvedev

July 11, 2011

President Obama spoke with Russian President Medvedev today to discuss a range of bilateral and international issues and to express his condolences on the tragic sinking of the MS Bulgaria.  President Obama thanked President Medvedev for Russia’s efforts at mediation in Libya, emphasizing that the United States is prepared to support negotiations that lead to a democratic transition in Libya as long as Qadhafi steps aside.  President Obama also expressed his support for President Medvedev’s mediation efforts regarding Nagorno-Karabakh, and pledged American support for the effort to reach a framework agreement for negotiating a final peace agreement that will put an end to this conflict. The two presidents also discussed Sudan and Afghanistan and our common objectives in both countries. Both presidents also reviewed the outstanding issues related to Russia’s World Trade Organization accession, and agreed to press to finish all aspects of these negotiations as soon as possible.  Finally, the President noted that he looks forward to meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Wednesday at the White House.